The Affair.

Sometimes I do dumb shit like emerge myself in shows and movies and books that have affairs in them.

This one though? This one is getting me.

My heart hurts for the wife. I have empathy and somewhat like the side chick.

Until their sex scenes. I hate those scenes.

The husband is an absolute douche bag.

I’m half way through season 2 and I have no idea why I do this to myself.

About Walking the Journey

I'm a wife of 27+ years, a mother of three, a sister, a friend. This is my journey on healing after an affair. I'm full of sarcasm, humor and truth. Sharing the journey after my husbands affair, I'm hoping to rid myself of the demons and get a ticket out of crazy town that I'm living in.
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3 Responses to The Affair.

  1. I was watching this show while he was in the midst of his affair. He hated when I would ask him to watch it with me. He used to make any excuse not to. I was so clueless. I had no idea I was watching my own story…I didn’t make it past the second season as that’s when D-day happened. This show will always remain a huge trigger for me.

  2. CrazyKat1963 says:

    There is so much more to that show than “the affair.” I watched it years ago. The sex scenes between those two go away if I remember correctly. The first season should definitely be called The Affair, but after that, it’s no longer about that, and yeah that husband character is a creep! But I think the show is good. The ending is not my favorite, but a lot happens between now and then. xo

  3. Ainsobriety says:

    I am intolerant of affairs in movies and tv. If it is a major story line I move on.
    Even worse, my daughter is the same. Kids are impacted by cheating for life. For me, it was at 46. For her, 14. Unacceptable.

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